This game is not "hard", but it seems that it is impossible to complete. Due to the algae that spreads far too quickly for anybody to have created a sustainable food source, paired with the life sustaining fire extinguishing itself in less than 10 hours, you cannot get far in this game before all of your 7 measly villagers (only 3 of which can work at first) perish. Worse, the speed and difficulty options do not function at all. I kept 2 villagers alive after the algae spread and coconuts deflected by creating a child, making them survive solely off of collectible mushrooms, then making the adults build the dam to make a farm. After hours of checking on them every few minutes, they survived this, had reliable food, and had another child. A 7 hour break to sleep later, and they had all died because you cannot rebuild the fire at any time, only wait for it to burn out, which seems to instantly murder your villagers. I am practically an expert at these games. The lite version of this game is simply not possible without devoting your entire life to it.
Dragontatoes about
Virtual Villagers 2 Lite, v1.1.3