Okay so I noticed alot of you need help. To get food, drag a villager into the water to fish. When the water gets full of alge, buy level 2 farming using tech points and drag a farmer to the coconut trees and they will gather coconuts. Soon, the coconuts will run out and you will have to build crops. To do this, build a dam using engneering level 2. Drag a villager to the rocks by the stream and it will say "They could try to build a dam here". After the dam is built, drag farmers to the fertile soil and they will make, water and harvest crops. Soon, the birds will start eating the crops, so you will have to build a scarecrow by dragging a farmer to the twisted pieces of wood and vines between the gong and area of the dead. They will then build a scarecrow.
Emelynkup about Virtual Villagers 2 Lite, v1.1.3